Gadget News - Powerbag Messenger Device Charger Bag
Sunday, October 2, 2011
The Powerbag Messenger Bag may look like any other ordinary bag, but it offers a unique feature- it can help charge your devices for you. The Powerbag Messenger comes with a removable rechargeable battery that provides some power storage that you can bring along wherever you go. The bag pockets contain a variety of device connectors that can be hooked up to the battery.
Every time a device needs some charging, the user only need to connect it the Powerbag Messenger�s available port to charge their smartphones, tablets, PMP�s or any other portable devices, even while on the go. The Powerbag Messenger is a unique solution for a device lover�s storage and power needs. It is available at the Powerbag site for US$140
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