Acer Iconia Tab Android 3.1 update arriving in July

Posted by newbie Friday, June 24, 2011 0 comments
The 10? Acer Iconia Tab A500 is about to join the ranks of the Android 3.1 DEVICE ELITE, with Acer announcing a date of July 5th for the update over on its German Facebook page. The OS upgrade will arrive via an over-the-air notification, then away you go.

And to fulfill our �euro� remit for the month of June, here's the announcement in the original German:

Liebe Fans, liebe Iconia Tab A500 Besitzer, wir freuen uns bekannt geben zu k�nnen, dass das hei� ersehnte Update kurz bevor steht � Android Honeycomb 3.1! Der Update Cycle beginnt am 5. Juli und funktioniert via FOTA (Footage over the Air), d.h. es wird Euch automatisch auf Eurem A500 angezeigt. Kurz best�tigen und ab daf�r :-) Vielen Dank f�r Eure Geduld!

Pretty easy to pick out the key words, there.

It's a nice enough device, albeit a bit bulky. And you could get a Eee Transformer for less. Link via Engadget.


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