Tabloid�s Pursuit of Missing Girl Led to Its Own Demise

Posted by newbie Monday, August 22, 2011 0 comments
LONDON�In April 2002, News Corp.�s News of the World tabloid scrambled at least eight reporters and photographers to an Epson ink-cartridge factory in Britain�s Midlands region, hoping to land a big scoop: Missing Milly Dowler Found Alive.
Improbably, the tabloid�s news desk had reason to believe the 13-year-old girl�whose disappearance was then a big story in Britain�had run away from home and gotten a job at the Epson factory. The reason: The paper had a voice-mail message, apparently intercepted from her phone, suggesting she worked there.
The tabloid�s hope was that, �When Milly Dowler clocked off work, we would be there outside the gates,� said one journalist involved in the three-day stakeout, which hasn�t previously been reported. �We could say, �There you are, Milly, the whole world has been looking for you.� �
It turned out the girl wasn�t working at Epson. In September 2002, she was found murdered.
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