Modding Community Offers Bounty for Android Port in TouchPad

Posted by newbie Thursday, August 25, 2011 0 comments

While the HP TouchPad suddenly became a hot commodity simply because of its very steep discount, the tablet still gets no love because people find its webOS software� well, let�s just say it�s not Android or iOS.
But because the tablet has an open architecture, modding communities are looking for ways to port Android into the TouchPad. So much so that they are beginning to offer bounties to developers who can make it happen.
HackNMod is offering up to $1,500, but it is broken down into several parts, making multiple developers grab a chance at a payout. For instance, the first to be able to get a �basic Android port� working on the TouchPad receives $400, if a team is able to get WiFi working gets $350, a working audio receives $300, and a multitouch functionality gets $100. Developers have to make sure their solutions should be easy enough for average users to install the ports on their own, not to mention provide photos and videos as evidence.
The program has a catch, however. HackNMod can only provide $450, leaving the rest of the bounty through sponsors. Interested parties, whether who want to throw in money or develop solutions to put Android into TouchPad, should check out the HackNMod link below for more information.
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