Looftlighter Flameless Firestarter
Thursday, August 25, 2011
The Looftlighter is a unique fire starter device that allows you to create a fire without using a lighter fluid or an open flame. The Looftlighter is like a large car cigarette lighter and a blower in one. When the Looftlighter is plugged in a power outlet, one end produces up to 1000 degree Fahrenheit heat via electricity and its own air flow at a touch of a button.
When its heating end is focused on logs at a fireplace or charcoal briquettes on a grill, the Looftlighter can start a fire going in as little as 15 to 30 seconds. It is a safer alternative as the heat is kept at a safe distance from your hands. The Looftlighter is available at ThinkGeek for US$80.
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