Event Report: Bancakan 9th Meetup
Thursday, August 25, 2011
As reported in DailySocial several days ago, this event presented Anggit Tut Pinilih (MbakDiskon founder), Guntur Sarwohadi (Soybeansoft founder and CEO), also Saga Iqranegara and two other founders from JogjaHub, geek database in Yogyakarta.
This daily deals started with Anggit�s concern on online business, then she wanted to build a daily deals in Yogyakarta. As common, the target of daily deals target is to grab costumers, both merchants and users. What makes MbakDiskon different from other daily deals? It is about the quota for each deal. The development of business in Yogyakarta is quite rapid. There is new brand emerging every month. That makes daily deals service take a chance into the business.
SoybeanSoft was established in 2007, which only developed flash game. Until now, it has produced 10 games in flash platform. The change occurred in January 2011, Guntur released a successful game named SkyFyrell as one of SoybeanSoft game in flash platform. After releasing the game, he wanted to change to mobile game and social market.
At the Bancakan first anniversary last February, Guntur met a guy from East Ventures. In March, he sent proposal and pitched to all East Venture investor. Then in April, SoybeanSoft got investment from East Ventures. In May, a social platform game, Hunter story started to develop and change the name into PT Sakti Osadha Yoga (SOY) for legal matter.
In this event, Guntur also gave some tips how to pitch in front of the investor. Some of them are the slides should be interesting, you should explain your startup in brief and close the presentation strongly. You can check this tips on this link.
JogjaHub vision is to gather IT talents in Yogyakarta under the same umbrella for any IT community in Yogyakarta to build digital creative business in Yogyakarta. The advantage is to make wider link, to improve the knowledge, business access and capital, to get closer to all chances.
Saga also explained that one of web development studio in Bandung has contacted him to build BandungHub. If there are many similar requests from other cities, they may be will make NusantaraHub to gather all of them. Rizqi, one of the JogjaHub founder in question and answer session explained that they may make it like LinkedIn or Odesk.
As explained previously, this Bancakan meetup has a random topics, but all speakers do great presentations. The presentations can give solution and inspiration for Indonesian startups especially in Yogyakarta. Go Yogyakarta startups!
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