Trekstor i.Beat GhettoBlaster Mini MP3 Player
Friday, July 22, 2011
The unique Trekstor i.Beat Ghetto Blaster Mini is a portable MP3 player that comes with an integrated loudspeaker in case the user wishes to make use of it instead of the earphones. It also comes with a 2GB microSD card that can also be upgraded to up to 32Gb of music storage. This MP3 player also supports music files in WMA and OGG formats. Its built in lithium ion rechargeable batteries is good for 12 hours of music listening using headphones and up to 6 hours on a full charge using the loudspeaker. The Trekstor i.Beat GhettoBlaster MP3 Player is available at Trekstor for 30 Euros or around US$42.
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