Switch LED Light Bulb

Posted by newbie Monday, July 11, 2011 0 comments

The good thing about technology is that, not only can it be used to make life more convenient, it can also help make it more efficient. Newer technologies aim to make better use of materials and lessen waste as well as power use. This can be more obvious in the lighting industry where newer alternatives like the new Switch LED Light bulbs may someday change the game.
The Switch LED Light bulbs are designed to be even more power efficient than incandescent light bulbs today. While a standard 60 watt incandescent light bulb uses that much power, with about 85 percent of the energy wasted, an alternative Switch 60 watt replacement light bulb can provide the same level and intensity of light while using only around 16 watts of power. Moreover, while incandescent light bulbs have an average life span of 1,000 light hours, the Switch LED Light Bulb has an average lifespan of 20,000 light hours. The new Switch LED Light bulb is expected to be available in the market by October. The 60 watt replacement light bulb is expected to cost around US$20.


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