Google Acquires Facial Recognition Company

Posted by newbie Wednesday, July 27, 2011 0 comments
Google recently bought Pittsburgh Pattern Recognition, which is also known as PittPatt. The company develops face recognition technology in video and images. Its founders began the company at Carnegie Mellon University�s Robotic Institute in the 1990s and they formed the company in 2004.
Google utilizes computer vision technology in some of its products such as Image Search, Picasa, YouTube, and Goggles. PittPatt said that the search giant will benefit from its technology and research and would bring it to a wider audience.
PittPatt added that it will continue innovating computer vision technology in applications that would range from simple photo organization to complex tasks such as mobile and video applications. Expect more new features to come out from Google that would include face recognition. There are speculations that the search engine will use the face recognition technology on its Google+ social network.
PittPatt technology could be used for facial recognition services, such as tracking faces in videos and sorting photos according to the faces that are found in the photo. It also releases software development kits so that developers could come up with apps that would utilize its technology. But that was before Google bought the company.
The details about the deal were not disclosed to the public and Google was not available for comments about its latest acquisition.


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