Breath Bird Helps the Handicapped Tweet by Breathing

Posted by newbie Sunday, July 17, 2011 0 comments
Proving that technology is made to help people rather than make them lazy, a Japanese company called TechFirm has released an iPad-based Twitter client that can be used by people who cannot use their fingers by simply breathing into the iPad�s microphone.
The �Breath Bird� features an on-screen keyboard that highlights a row of letters in succession. If the row where the character that the user wants to type is highlighted, he simply breathes into the mic to make the app then highlight all characters in that row one after the other. Once the character in question is highlighted, the user breathes again to make it appear in the tweet bubble located on top of the screen. Repeat the process until the user has able to create entire words and sentences. The app also has a timeline that appears on the left side of the screen, which automatically refreshes.
The Breath Bird is available for free in iTunes and comes in bilingual English and Japanese. An early review in TechCrunch recommends an external microphone to make the app work better.


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