BlueDrone Controls Toy Cars with Android Phone
Friday, July 22, 2011
The BlueDrone concept lets players control their toy cars with the use of their Android phone. The car connects to the smartphone via Bluetooth (hence the project�s name), then it is steered using onscreen controls built into the phone�s customized app. The BlueDrone car is powered by 3AA batteries and can run for up to three hours. It also has a range of about 30 feet. The developer also dreams of using the Android phone�s accelerometer to steer the car.
The BlueDrone project is posted on Kickstarter, asking members to raise funds of up to $200,000 before the August 14 deadline strikes. Pledges reaching $800 or more assures you of a BlueDrone car, a new Droid X2 smartphone, T-shirt, and �backer band.� Check out the Kickstarter page to know more about the packages donors could receive.
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