T-Mobile G-Slate price drops to $399.99 with contract (after $200 mail-in rebate)
Sunday, June 12, 2011
When it launched, the G-Slate was going for a (quite expensive) $529.99 with a new two-year T-Mobile data contract (after a $100 mail-in rebate). Today, there's some good news, and some bad news concerning T-Mobile's pricing of this tablet.
The good news is that you'll end up paying just $399.99 for the tablet, which is clearly a more decent price level. However, the two-year data contract is still required. And the biggest caveat is that you reach the $399.99 price after a $200 mail-in rebate.
That's not your average mail-in rebate level, granted. T-Mobile does seem to be pushing things a bit here. Wouldn't it be awesome if all carriers followed Sprint in simply getting rid of mail-in rebates altogether? Ah, utopia.
Anyway, if you're interested in purchasing a T-Mobile G-Slate, head on over to the magenta carrier's website now and place your order.
source: Unwired View
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