Maggie Pro 3 Inch LCD Magnifier
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
The Maggie Pro 3 Inch LCD Magnifier is a digital magnifier that allows users to magnify small print into 11 times its original size. It is an electronic magnifier that may be an improvement to the ordinary magnifying glass usually preferred by most old people. Reading those fine print never have to cause seniors and those with visual problems to squint or read with wrinkled brows.
The advantage of the Maggie Pro 3 Inch LCD Magnifier is that it not only magnifies small print, it can also brighten them to make them more readable, even in dim lighting conditions. This electronic device comes with a 3 inch screen display where magnified fonts are highlighted. It also comes with a freeze function to capture an image on a printed page for closer examination. The Maggie Pro 3 Inch LCD Magnifier is available at Xtreme Geek for US$215
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