Sony see-through Alpha DSLR The camera is slated for a late 2011 release

Posted by newbie Friday, May 6, 2011 0 comments
We've been teasing you with images of this see-through beauty since Sony announced plans to bring its translucent mirror to the A77. Unfortunately, we've still yet to get our dirty paws on its hard shell, but we're happy to live vicariously through Pocket-lint's hands-on of Sony's clear-bodied Alpha camera. According to its post, the concept DSLR is based on a heretofore unidentified mid-range camera that touts an Exmor APS HD CMOS sensor and "fast continuous autofocus." The camera is slated for a late 2011 release, but chances are it won't come with that sweet transparent body. So soak it up while you can, because this could be the last you see of the crystalline casing -- hit the source link for even more eye candy. 

Source : Pocket-lint


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